My Inspiration

Thank you for visting my blog. You will find fabulous information on how to improve your health and work your way to wellness. If you want to lose weight, eat healthier, start exercising, or live an illness free life; you will find useful tips here. It is my passion to help others live a healthier lifestyle. Everyday I have the privilege of helping my patients acheive their health goals.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

10 Ways to Fit Physical Activity Into Your Day

Finding time for exercise may be difficult when you work full-time, need to take the kids to baseball practice, cook, clean, and the list goes on and on. Here are some tips to add some physical activity to your day.
  1. Schedule a 15-30 minute walk at lunch time
  2. Walk the dog in the morning before work
  3. Stretch for 5 minutes before bed 
  4. Sit on an exercise ball for 15-30 minutes while working at your computer  
  5. Park in the last row of the parking lot at the office or the store
  6. Skip the elevator and take the stairs
  7. Spend 10 minutes doing a workout with light weights
  8. Jump rope for 5 minutes
  9. Take a bike ride with your kids
  10. Walk instead of riding a cart when you golf
Make a commitment to add one of these activities to your day for the next 30 days how different you feel. The more you exercise the more you will want to exercise.